Thursday 8 August 2013

You can fix it. Yes you can!

Things getting you down?

The economy's stuffed, the ecology's going down the gurgler, the Germans are making a move on Europe again, another Clinton is America's best hope for salvation, and the bankers are creaming you suckers more than ever.

Want to do something about it?

Click here
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Oh, forgot to mention. We're overdue a major asteroid strike and my wife says Armageddon is coming within weeks. …………… Well, maybe a year or two. ………… Soon, anyway.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Only in America

A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time: pills or stairs. Joan Welsh quotes
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Taking the escalator to the gym

Control Facebook news feed

So your Facebook friend has 5,000 other friends and uses their news page like a supercharged Twitter feed. 500 posts a day telling you what a great muffin they had with their morning coffee and the colour of their new underpants.
"Wisdom is the reward you get for a life time of listening when you’d have preferred to talk." 
Doug Larsen
Or your granddad posts all sorts of serious shit but you just want to gossip. :)

You can unfriend the perpetrator but you're a sensitive soul and you don't want to hurt his feelings. What to do?

Easy. Stop their news feed appearing on your home page. Hover your mouse cursor over their name on a newsfeed item, then hover over the "Friends" button. Click on "show in news feed" to toggle the setting on or off.

Toggle news feed from Facebook friend

Monday 29 July 2013

Debt crisis: don't hold your breath

Although this excellent presentation is titled "The European Debt Crisis Explained" it's every bit as relevant to the US and to those of us sheltering from the mayhem in the Southern Hemisphere.

The web of intrigue set up by the money manipulators is very complex but this explains it very well. It's convincing and if you believed the incessant politician's hype about a recovery just around the corner it may lead you to reassess their credibility. You need to know this stuff. Really.
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The European Debt Crisis Explained

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